Hello. Welcome to the memorial website for William Brad Bassi. This website’s purpose is to host pictures and stories of Brad. If you would like to be updated on information about the gathering of Bradley’s “life celebration” or would like to submit your stories/pictures to this website, please send an email to “stories” @*[ThisWebSite] or contact me on my Facebook page. Below is an edited version of an online obituary I wrote on his (now memorialized) Facebook account.
William Bradley Bassi, died May 27th, 2015 @ ~12:00PM MST in the Intensive Care Unit at a major hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is survived by his siblings, Barbara Leconte, Michele Bassi-Degenkolb, Michael Westbrook; and his children Peter Westbrook, Jordan Bassi, Alexander Bassi, and Stefania Bassi. Bradley died mostly due to complications from multiple factors: lymphoma, multiple infections, and finally multiple system organ failure. Bradley was 67 years-old. He died swiftly and painlessly.
We, his children, have decided not to hold a funeral service out of respect for Bradley’s wishes. We held an event to celebrate his life on October 10th, 2015. We thank everyone who was able to attend and those who contacted us to share their stories and condolences.
Thank you for all of your love, sincerity, friendship, and support with Bradley.
“Take care. Stay cool. Love you!”